I'm very happy to announce that The Fashion Season has been nominated for the Liebster award: thank you "As the Sakura falls" I really appreciate it!
The Liebster blogging award is given to those upcoming bloggers with less than 200 followers in attempt to recognise their hard work, and promote new blogs.
The rules of the award are as follows...
1. The nominated blogger has to share 11 things about themselves.
2. They also need to answer the set of 11 questions given to them by the person who nominated them.
3. Then they must nominate 11 blogs within the criteria.
4. And write 11 questions for them.
5. You should always follow the blog that gave you the award and those you are nominating also.
6. And, of course, let them know you are giving them the award!
My 11 "things":
1. I work in a perfume shop so have my head filled with fragrance notes and brand heritage on a daily basis.
2. I have the moodiest cat in the world, ironically named "Grace"
3. I love John Hughes films
4. I study American Studies and English in University
5. I started my blog as a path to promoting healthy body images: it's all about dressing yourself comfortably and fashionably.
6. I continuously watch TEDtalks on the internet, my dream is to go to a Conference
7. I think Audrey Hepburn was one of the most beautiful women in the world
8. I eat too many Mini Cheddars
9. I'm allergic to fruit
10. I used to be an Agoraphobic.
11. I went to South America and climbed Machu Picchu!
The Q's given to me:
1.What’s your greatest blogging achievement?
Working out how to take the borders off my photos on Blogger, it seriously took me about a week to get the coding right!
2.Were your friends cool with you blogging?
Not many know about it to be honest, my friends that do know support me but aren't interested in blogs the way I am. My boyfriend is the most supportive.
3. What was your first post about?
My first ever post was about the box sleeved tees you see everywhere now (ie. "GEEK" in Topshop) I wrote it about five months ago and deleted that blog and started again, silly now everyone wears them!
4. Why did you write that first post? What got you into blogging?
I was inspired by how much I discovered from blogs and how hooked I became on them. Also I saw a possibility; using my blog as a platform to help those who don't know how to dress, and those with poor body image. There are many who look at photos of bloggers in Dolce & Gabbana dresses and can't understand the bottom from the top, or how that translates into what they can wear/ can afford, and so they move away from blogging as they feel it isn't for them. I aim to make fashion accessible.
5. What is the biggest drawback of blogging?
Not getting my uni work done!
6. Why did you name your blog what you named it?
Because I thought it summed up what I was aiming to portray: the season made simple!
7. What is your dream career?
To be honest I don't really know, probably something in education or mental health. I'm all for helping to nurture greatness and self confidence: how does that translate into fashion? You'll be surprised how much good fitting, well priced clothes can lift you up!
8. Did you enjoy High School?
Yes although it was an all girls school, bitchy.
9. What’s top of your Christmas List?
Dior 'Touch of Blush'!
10. Where would your ideal home be located?
Right now? New York!
11. What’s your ultimate aim with your blog?
To help one person dress comfortably, confidently and on trend- and not for the price of my left leg.
My Nominations:
My 11 Questions for YOU!
1. Why did you begin blogging?
2. Which blog do you check everyday for updates without fail?
3. What is your greatest blogging achievement?
4. What is your favourite beauty product?
5. What is your favourite high street store?
6. Vintage or New?
7. What are you asking Santa for this year?
8. Do you prefer blogs with text or just images?
9. Do you look at the catwalk for inspiration?
10. Which blog topics do you look out for?
11. How do you aim to develop your blog in the next year?
Enjoy! Can't wait to read the answers :) x